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NDLSD at the T.H.E. Conference

NDLSD at the T.H.E. Conference

北湖岸大道一期研究旨在重新定义美国最具标志性的道路之一,重建芝加哥林肯公园内格兰德大道和好莱坞大道之间的道路. Civiltech’s Jen Hyman, P.E., and Phil Hutchinson,...

Civiltech Cleans Up Well

Civiltech Cleans Up Well

At Civiltech, 我们认识到对受我们项目影响的人们产生积极影响的重要性. 同时,我们努力确保我们的项目改善客户社区的生活质量, we also look for opportunities to give back through volunteer...

Closing the Gap on Bicycle Crash Data

Closing the Gap on Bicycle Crash Data

Earlier this year, the Transportation Research Record published the article, 连接警察和紧急医疗服务记录:加强自行车伤害报告的方法. Civiltech交通规划师乔西·威尔曼(Josie Willman)是这项重要研究的合著者. The...

Celebrating Bridges

Celebrating Bridges

“One of the things this world needs most is the kind souls who, when crossing a bridge, 说:“如果没有这座桥,我们很难通过。”并感谢这座桥和建造它的人!” — Mehmet Murat Ildan, Turkish Playwright. Why is it that...